For US Residents only, 18 years or older

RAMP 301 Eligibility Criteria

Patients Who May Be Eligible to Join the Trial:

  • Ages Eligible for Study: 18 Years and older (Adult, Older Adult)

  • Sexes Eligible for Study: Female

  • Histologically proven LGSOC (ovarian, fallopian, peritoneal)

  • Progression or recurrence of LGSOC after at least one prior systemic therapy for metastatic disease

  • Measurable disease according to RECIST v1.1

  • An Eastern Cooperative Group (ECOG) performance status ≤ 1

  • Adequate organ function

  • Adequate recovery from toxicities related to prior treatments

  • For patients with reproductive potential, agreement to use highly effective method of contraception

  • Willingness to comply with the scheduled visits, treatment plan, laboratory tests and other study procedures

blonde female patient in green top
Female nurse talking to elder female patient

Patients Cannot Have:

  • Systemic anti-cancer therapy within 4 weeks of the first dose of study therapy

  • Co-existing high-grade ovarian cancer or another histology

  • Prior treatment with avutometinib, defactinib, or other FAK inhibitors

  • History of prior malignancy with recurrence <3 years from the time of enrollment

  • Major surgery within 4 weeks

  • Symptomatic brain metastases or spinal cord compression

  • An active skin disorder that has required systemic therapy within one year of signing informed consent

  • History of medically significant rhabdomyolysis

  • For subjects with prior MEK exposure, Grade 4 toxicity deemed related to the MEK inhibitor

  • Concurrent ocular disorders

  • Concurrent heart disease or severe obstructive pulmonary disease

  • Subjects with the inability to swallow oral medication

  • Active, uncontrolled infection (bacterial, viral, or fungal) requiring systemic therapy

Take The Next Step

If the criteria above apply, you may be eligible to participate. If you are interested in participating, please talk to your doctor. Remember that only a trial investigator can determine whether you are eligible to participate.

Redirection Notice

The information on this website is intended for US healthcare professionals only. Confirm you are a US healthcare professional to proceed.

Redirection Notice

The information on this website is intended for US healthcare professionals only. Confirm you are a US healthcare professional to proceed.